You know what they say: so many parent education resources, so little time. Okay, maybe they don’t say that exactly. But it can be hard to balance our desire to find an outside perspective on parenting with the time we spend actually, well, parenting. Which is why we are so happy to have found these experts who share their bite-sized insights on Instagram for quick hits of advice and inspiration throughout our days.
Destini Ann’s page is part parent therapy, part parenting by example. She shares insights on the psychology of why we react to our children the way that we do, alongside illustrations of how she has deployed gentle parenting techniques with her own beautiful children. It’s a parenting style that may seem aspirational at first, but with Destini’s help, becomes totally doable.
Deena and Kristin have solid, sound, actionable guidance for just about every phase from ages 1-6, including an incredible teaching module addressing all things sleep. Not only that, they deliver their expertise with humanity, humor, and a hefty dash of #realtalk, which is exactly our style.
We love Busy Toddler’s tagline: “making it to naps, one activity at a time.” Trust us: you don’t want to wait until you need them to have activities at the ready for your little ones. (A lesson we learned the hard way during our years of lockdown.) Busy Toddler makes engaging your kiddos easy, with items you probably have on hand at home. A win-win!